Thursday, March 24, 2011

Whites want the Natives Americans extinct!

  In the time, whites wanted to control everything. They wanted to gain land and to conquer. Since they wanted land they needed to take out the Natives Americans. The natives americans are very traditional with their believes and lifestyle. They live their life very peacefully and very freely. Since the whites wanted the land for themselves they told the natives americans to live in a reservation but they devy. Through time the indians realize that it was better for them to live in those reservations because they were facing bad problems. Some of those problems were the weather and the food. Little by little all of them accepted to live in those reservations.
   The indian reservation consisted of materials that they needed in the daily life. The whites provided them like a new strategy to hunt without being out of the reservation. That strategy consisted of being surrounded with fences and the animal is out running and the indian kill it. It was not like they are used to like running on the woods searching for an animal and kill it.By living on those reservations some traditions were forgotten. The whites had them very restricted. They coul not be 100% natives americans!
   Through time, the whites stop sending materials to the reservations. Many diseases were in the atmosphere and no medication were on the reservation. People started dying and the whites did not care.  The whites think that the native americans are savages animals. They do not realize that they are human being that also need daily life materials to survive exactly as the white alse need.
   The native americans noticed how tjeir people were suffering by the whites. They realized they needed to do something! Well, they started doind the ghost dance. Its believe that in the ghost dance the spirits of their ancestors would come and help them to fight the whites. The whites did not had any clue of what they were doing but they got scare because rumos say that in an instant a white can die. Troops got in the reservations to control the indians. It got to a point that the whites started killing the indians without anu valuable reason.
   The whites show with their actions that they wanted to extinct the native americas because they were an objective that they had to deal with to conquer the lands. The whites deal with it in a worng way because they could have done a better way that both sides could be satisfy.  The whites were being egoist and thinking for the better of themselves.