Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Family Heritage

  Every puerto ricans have a little of heritage of Spain, Native Americans and African.The desendants of my family are not immigrants but I have few that emigrated. My sister-in-law moved from Puerto Rico to Florida due to health condiotions. In Florida, her mom recieve a better treatment for her condition of health. Also, my cousin named Gisela moved to Texas for a job opportunity. In Texas, she recieved a beeter job and a better salary. But also I have family members that moved from the United States to Puerto Rico. Like my auncle Mandy and Ricky. Their causes were to be with their family and for jobs opportunities.

In this website:

it demostrated that United States is the nation of immigrants. Every immigant immigrate for their lifestyle and the future of the family. For me, the best thing to do to stop immigration would be for the countris to give more opportunities to their citizens. As simple as that!

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