Thursday, February 17, 2011

My journey!

  I love Japan but it surprising how it is changing by the economic status. If I stayed on Japan I knew that I was not going to live happy with my family and we were going to pass a lot of necesities. In a night I made a decision that I wanted to immmigrate to the United States. I knew it was not going to be easy at all but I knew that the process was going to be worthy.
   I joined others Japanese in a boat to reach United States. It was only my baby and I. I made a bag with all our personal stuff but the majority of the stuff that I brought was food. It was going to be a long trip. In our way to United States was very uncomftorble. It was a small boat like with a capacity of 30 persons and there were like  the triple of the maximum capacity. The trip lasted like 9 days. On the first day, I was frightened. I don't know what is going to happen next. The second day, my baby and I were alright. I expected that on the trip my baby and I were gooing to be fine. But the third day, my baby was feeling sick due to the high surge. A lady gave her a medicine and my baby got normal. The days passed until we got to the United States. Thank God nobody caught us.
   The first time that I put my feet on the land I could already feel the freedom and the hapiness. I needed to start from zero! I needed to take any job. When we got to U.S. rapidly I went to a mini supermarket to buy milk for my baby. Than God I heard an old lady saying that she needed someone to clean her house and I offer myself and she accepted. I felt very lucky. At that precise moment she offer me a deal, that if I watch her and care for her she would let me stay in a room of her house. I accept! Now I had a work and a place to stay. When we finish to buy the things of the mini market she brought me to her house. It was enourmous! That night I felt so comftorble with the old lady that I told her my journey. She understood and surprisingly she wasn't weird with me like others on public places.
    Over two years I worked for the old lady and I saved a lot of money. With that money I bought my own house. But I still work for the old lady because she is like family for me.Time passed and already I have grandson. My daughter is a doctor and my grandsons have a good education. I thank God everyday for everything! Even I pass that nightmare of migrating to the United States it was all worthy.

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