Tuesday, April 5, 2011

History of immigrants

  Immigrants are considered people who migrates to other places that it is not their home land. It is believed that since the new settlers came to america many people had been coming to America for a variety of reasons. Some reason are to find land to farm, for a better education, or for a good job,to practice their religion freely, or to escape from wars.
  For the last four decades there has being 37 millions of immigrants. In 2010, it increased to 43 millions. Through time that amount would be double or triple. Today, the things in the government is bad. There are not jobs, the cost of the petroleum is going up and that mean that the energy of the light is also going up.People only want to search for a better life but they had to pass some struggle. Even today, a large group of immigrants are still in process of migrating. There are a lot of phases that immigrants face. For example, they need to become legal citizens and that takes a lot of time. Also, racism! The government had tried to stop immigarants but they haven't reach their goal.
  Since the government does not progress the immigration is not going to stop. In the daily life, people realize that they need to change their lifestyle for a good purpose. It can be for a progress for their family or for a better economy. People choose toimmigrate illegaly since waiting to be a legal citizen takes a lot of time. It can last for years to become legal. When immigrants immigrate they choose any jobs. Jobs that no one do. That is one of the reasons that people put a stereotype to them. Since they need the money they need to start from zero.

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