Monday, April 11, 2011

struggle and activism of immigrants

          Immigrants protest in many ways to defend their rights. They protest peacefully but sometimes it becomes violently.They have a lot of methods of protesting. Some of those is to spread the voice, sit in places protesting or they interrupt social places to protest. Their goal is to have rights as everyone since everyone is equal.
    Immigrants protest and protest hoping to make a change in society but they know that dealing with the government is totally difficult. Everyone need to be realistic. To change the mind of the government takes time. Is a process that it takes a lot of time. People is very impatient and by wanting something that they know that it would be imposible to do or that takes a lot of time they take drastic actions. Immigrants does not give up too easily but sometimes they get upset. Through decades they try to reach their goal.
    Immigrants still fight fot their goal to be accomplished. They know that isn't easy but they won't stop until they reach their goal. Immigrants are taking any methods for the government to hear them and to give them their civil rights.

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