1. Staphanie Ruiz
Females have the right to be treated equally. Stephanie expression was very directly.
2.Jan Paul
Veterans need a reward since they served the nation and risk their life. JP proposal is so true!
3.Hector Porrata
Teenage have the right to vote since we live every day and know what is happening around the world.
4.Gabriela Adams
The jail need to be more peacefull since the bad persons need to change with the environment vey tense the criminal would never change.They need to be in a place where they can learn to change for good.
Its a good proposal becuase handicaps person have the right to be treated equally.
Catholics only want a good community.
Older people need to stay in their home because if they drive they can cause an accident.
The color of skin does not have to be a detail for a person to be discriminated.
Gay people need to be treated equally since they are human beings.
Handicap people need to be respected since thay had pass too much things.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011

The immigrants are treated very bad. People have the rights to have opportunities. Sometimes people mistreated them for being immigrant. But a person never know in the future if they need help and the only helper is an immigrant. For that a person never mistreat a person. Immigrants need to be treated equally since they are also human being.
Immigrants can be a great help for the future in the society. For that they cannot be discriminated. Thyy can be great doctors, great lawyers but how if the government or the society let them!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Some agencies focused on immigrants. Some of those agencies are responsible for enforcing immigration laws.Three different agencies now handle the duties formerly held by the INS: Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which handles the INS’s naturalization, asylum, and permanent residence functions; U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which handles the INS’s naturalization, asylum, and permanent residence functions; and U.S. Customs and Border Enforcement (CBE), which handles the INS’s border patrol duties. Some of those agencies are for the good of the immigrants but others are to deport them.
Immigrants still need to fight fot their civil rights. Even though some agencies help immigrants to move on they do not help them completely. It is surprising that aliens need to focused in a type of government because not of all of the government help the immigrants and the one that do not help the immigrants have more power.
Monday, April 11, 2011
struggle and activism of immigrants
Immigrants protest in many ways to defend their rights. They protest peacefully but sometimes it becomes violently.They have a lot of methods of protesting. Some of those is to spread the voice, sit in places protesting or they interrupt social places to protest. Their goal is to have rights as everyone since everyone is equal.
Immigrants protest and protest hoping to make a change in society but they know that dealing with the government is totally difficult. Everyone need to be realistic. To change the mind of the government takes time. Is a process that it takes a lot of time. People is very impatient and by wanting something that they know that it would be imposible to do or that takes a lot of time they take drastic actions. Immigrants does not give up too easily but sometimes they get upset. Through decades they try to reach their goal.
Immigrants still fight fot their goal to be accomplished. They know that isn't easy but they won't stop until they reach their goal. Immigrants are taking any methods for the government to hear them and to give them their civil rights.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Oppression towards de immigrants!

They are mistreated only because they don't have any authorization to be in the United States. For that they cannot get a proper or legal job.They need to think where to go because they can get caught. The government need to force a law towards the immigrant but in a nice way because they only want to live in a place that more opportunities occur. For example, the government can fast up the process to become a legal citizen instead of waiting years.
Also, in the surrounding people ofend the immigrants. They treat them like they are not worth anything. Immigrants are mistreated by the mayority of the people. But they need to realiza that they only want to live freely and in a place with more opportunities for progress. The only thing is that the government does not look at it that way.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
History of immigrants
For the last four decades there has being 37 millions of immigrants. In 2010, it increased to 43 millions. Through time that amount would be double or triple. Today, the things in the government is bad. There are not jobs, the cost of the petroleum is going up and that mean that the energy of the light is also going up.People only want to search for a better life but they had to pass some struggle. Even today, a large group of immigrants are still in process of migrating. There are a lot of phases that immigrants face. For example, they need to become legal citizens and that takes a lot of time. Also, racism! The government had tried to stop immigarants but they haven't reach their goal.
Since the government does not progress the immigration is not going to stop. In the daily life, people realize that they need to change their lifestyle for a good purpose. It can be for a progress for their family or for a better economy. People choose toimmigrate illegaly since waiting to be a legal citizen takes a lot of time. It can last for years to become legal. When immigrants immigrate they choose any jobs. Jobs that no one do. That is one of the reasons that people put a stereotype to them. Since they need the money they need to start from zero.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Whites want the Natives Americans extinct!
In the time, whites wanted to control everything. They wanted to gain land and to conquer. Since they wanted land they needed to take out the Natives Americans. The natives americans are very traditional with their believes and lifestyle. They live their life very peacefully and very freely. Since the whites wanted the land for themselves they told the natives americans to live in a reservation but they devy. Through time the indians realize that it was better for them to live in those reservations because they were facing bad problems. Some of those problems were the weather and the food. Little by little all of them accepted to live in those reservations.
The indian reservation consisted of materials that they needed in the daily life. The whites provided them like a new strategy to hunt without being out of the reservation. That strategy consisted of being surrounded with fences and the animal is out running and the indian kill it. It was not like they are used to like running on the woods searching for an animal and kill it.By living on those reservations some traditions were forgotten. The whites had them very restricted. They coul not be 100% natives americans!
Through time, the whites stop sending materials to the reservations. Many diseases were in the atmosphere and no medication were on the reservation. People started dying and the whites did not care. The whites think that the native americans are savages animals. They do not realize that they are human being that also need daily life materials to survive exactly as the white alse need.
The native americans noticed how tjeir people were suffering by the whites. They realized they needed to do something! Well, they started doind the ghost dance. Its believe that in the ghost dance the spirits of their ancestors would come and help them to fight the whites. The whites did not had any clue of what they were doing but they got scare because rumos say that in an instant a white can die. Troops got in the reservations to control the indians. It got to a point that the whites started killing the indians without anu valuable reason.
The whites show with their actions that they wanted to extinct the native americas because they were an objective that they had to deal with to conquer the lands. The whites deal with it in a worng way because they could have done a better way that both sides could be satisfy. The whites were being egoist and thinking for the better of themselves.
The indian reservation consisted of materials that they needed in the daily life. The whites provided them like a new strategy to hunt without being out of the reservation. That strategy consisted of being surrounded with fences and the animal is out running and the indian kill it. It was not like they are used to like running on the woods searching for an animal and kill it.By living on those reservations some traditions were forgotten. The whites had them very restricted. They coul not be 100% natives americans!
Through time, the whites stop sending materials to the reservations. Many diseases were in the atmosphere and no medication were on the reservation. People started dying and the whites did not care. The whites think that the native americans are savages animals. They do not realize that they are human being that also need daily life materials to survive exactly as the white alse need.
The native americans noticed how tjeir people were suffering by the whites. They realized they needed to do something! Well, they started doind the ghost dance. Its believe that in the ghost dance the spirits of their ancestors would come and help them to fight the whites. The whites did not had any clue of what they were doing but they got scare because rumos say that in an instant a white can die. Troops got in the reservations to control the indians. It got to a point that the whites started killing the indians without anu valuable reason.
The whites show with their actions that they wanted to extinct the native americas because they were an objective that they had to deal with to conquer the lands. The whites deal with it in a worng way because they could have done a better way that both sides could be satisfy. The whites were being egoist and thinking for the better of themselves.
Friday, February 18, 2011
My classmates's blog
Reading the blogs of my classmates its very shocking that every year the amount of immigrants increased very fast. It surprising how people take a dangerous opportunity to be happy. Immigrants have to be strong and need a lot of courage because they don't know what will happen next. The thing that I liked the most of the other classmates is where they had to write the first person narrative. It is so dramatic and so realistic. We need to be thankfull for the lifestyle that we have. We don't have an idea of how people would give anything to have the life that we have.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
My Family Heritage
Every puerto ricans have a little of heritage of Spain, Native Americans and African.The desendants of my family are not immigrants but I have few that emigrated. My sister-in-law moved from Puerto Rico to Florida due to health condiotions. In Florida, her mom recieve a better treatment for her condition of health. Also, my cousin named Gisela moved to Texas for a job opportunity. In Texas, she recieved a beeter job and a better salary. But also I have family members that moved from the United States to Puerto Rico. Like my auncle Mandy and Ricky. Their causes were to be with their family and for jobs opportunities.
In this website:
it demostrated that United States is the nation of immigrants. Every immigant immigrate for their lifestyle and the future of the family. For me, the best thing to do to stop immigration would be for the countris to give more opportunities to their citizens. As simple as that!
In this website:
it demostrated that United States is the nation of immigrants. Every immigant immigrate for their lifestyle and the future of the family. For me, the best thing to do to stop immigration would be for the countris to give more opportunities to their citizens. As simple as that!
Immigartion and Emigration
It is surprising how the amount of immigrants pass the legal ones. Over decades, the government had sign act for it to stop but even though the government sign act and put laws it doesn'y work. For me the cause of the immigration is cause by the conditions of the states. If a person want to move is because it is miserable their life style. Every country needs to put more opportunities for the people to be better. For example, like more jobs, more opportunities, a better lifestyle. Nobody like to be in bad conditions that cause stress and nobody want to be stressfull for their entire life. Everybody wants to be happy and relax! Everybody knows that life isn't easy but humans have the right to live their life like they want.
My journey!
I love Japan but it surprising how it is changing by the economic status. If I stayed on Japan I knew that I was not going to live happy with my family and we were going to pass a lot of necesities. In a night I made a decision that I wanted to immmigrate to the United States. I knew it was not going to be easy at all but I knew that the process was going to be worthy.
I joined others Japanese in a boat to reach United States. It was only my baby and I. I made a bag with all our personal stuff but the majority of the stuff that I brought was food. It was going to be a long trip. In our way to United States was very uncomftorble. It was a small boat like with a capacity of 30 persons and there were like the triple of the maximum capacity. The trip lasted like 9 days. On the first day, I was frightened. I don't know what is going to happen next. The second day, my baby and I were alright. I expected that on the trip my baby and I were gooing to be fine. But the third day, my baby was feeling sick due to the high surge. A lady gave her a medicine and my baby got normal. The days passed until we got to the United States. Thank God nobody caught us.
The first time that I put my feet on the land I could already feel the freedom and the hapiness. I needed to start from zero! I needed to take any job. When we got to U.S. rapidly I went to a mini supermarket to buy milk for my baby. Than God I heard an old lady saying that she needed someone to clean her house and I offer myself and she accepted. I felt very lucky. At that precise moment she offer me a deal, that if I watch her and care for her she would let me stay in a room of her house. I accept! Now I had a work and a place to stay. When we finish to buy the things of the mini market she brought me to her house. It was enourmous! That night I felt so comftorble with the old lady that I told her my journey. She understood and surprisingly she wasn't weird with me like others on public places.
Over two years I worked for the old lady and I saved a lot of money. With that money I bought my own house. But I still work for the old lady because she is like family for me.Time passed and already I have grandson. My daughter is a doctor and my grandsons have a good education. I thank God everyday for everything! Even I pass that nightmare of migrating to the United States it was all worthy.
I joined others Japanese in a boat to reach United States. It was only my baby and I. I made a bag with all our personal stuff but the majority of the stuff that I brought was food. It was going to be a long trip. In our way to United States was very uncomftorble. It was a small boat like with a capacity of 30 persons and there were like the triple of the maximum capacity. The trip lasted like 9 days. On the first day, I was frightened. I don't know what is going to happen next. The second day, my baby and I were alright. I expected that on the trip my baby and I were gooing to be fine. But the third day, my baby was feeling sick due to the high surge. A lady gave her a medicine and my baby got normal. The days passed until we got to the United States. Thank God nobody caught us.
The first time that I put my feet on the land I could already feel the freedom and the hapiness. I needed to start from zero! I needed to take any job. When we got to U.S. rapidly I went to a mini supermarket to buy milk for my baby. Than God I heard an old lady saying that she needed someone to clean her house and I offer myself and she accepted. I felt very lucky. At that precise moment she offer me a deal, that if I watch her and care for her she would let me stay in a room of her house. I accept! Now I had a work and a place to stay. When we finish to buy the things of the mini market she brought me to her house. It was enourmous! That night I felt so comftorble with the old lady that I told her my journey. She understood and surprisingly she wasn't weird with me like others on public places.
Over two years I worked for the old lady and I saved a lot of money. With that money I bought my own house. But I still work for the old lady because she is like family for me.Time passed and already I have grandson. My daughter is a doctor and my grandsons have a good education. I thank God everyday for everything! Even I pass that nightmare of migrating to the United States it was all worthy.
Japanese immigration toward the united states!
There was a time when people from all over the nations started to immigrated to United States due to specific reasons. The Japanese immigrated to the United States because Japan fall on a bad economic time. Many people were unemployed.That means people can't pay their houses and they can't mantain their family. They immigrated for a better life. The mayority of immigrants were laborers and farmers.Another reason for the Japanese to immgrated was for their safety due to the dangerous atmosphere in Japan.
They needed to immigrate so fast that they did whatever they could to move from Japan. Unfortunately, the immigrant act was created. It made it more difficult for Japanese to move to Hawaii. But when the immigrant act was removed, they could migrate to the United States again. The process to migrate to another place is very difficult. You need to be very careful that nobody suspect you are an immigrant. You pass neccesities but people pass that process because they think that it is worthy like the Japanese did. The japanese wanted a better life and if the process to get to a better life is dificult lets do anything to get to a better life.
When they first arrived, they needed to start from zero. Since they were immigrants they lived on poor conditions.They took what they could have.They worked on agriculture. It became clear that they became competitors with the whites. In a time the japanese won more money than the whites because they worked harder than the whites. The japanese needed to do anything to have more money to send to their families.
Immigrants in those time needed to be very strong! no physical but mentally. They needed to be prepared mentally of what could happened if they got caught or the bad process of migrating to the United States. Its a very surprising experience! You never know what is going to happen next. By searching for information of the immigrants I can view their view point of how times were before. Also, the reader can view how the people sacrifice them self for their family. We need to be very aprecciate with the life that we have. That we don't pass neccesities and we live on good conditions.
They needed to immigrate so fast that they did whatever they could to move from Japan. Unfortunately, the immigrant act was created. It made it more difficult for Japanese to move to Hawaii. But when the immigrant act was removed, they could migrate to the United States again. The process to migrate to another place is very difficult. You need to be very careful that nobody suspect you are an immigrant. You pass neccesities but people pass that process because they think that it is worthy like the Japanese did. The japanese wanted a better life and if the process to get to a better life is dificult lets do anything to get to a better life.
When they first arrived, they needed to start from zero. Since they were immigrants they lived on poor conditions.They took what they could have.They worked on agriculture. It became clear that they became competitors with the whites. In a time the japanese won more money than the whites because they worked harder than the whites. The japanese needed to do anything to have more money to send to their families.
Immigrants in those time needed to be very strong! no physical but mentally. They needed to be prepared mentally of what could happened if they got caught or the bad process of migrating to the United States. Its a very surprising experience! You never know what is going to happen next. By searching for information of the immigrants I can view their view point of how times were before. Also, the reader can view how the people sacrifice them self for their family. We need to be very aprecciate with the life that we have. That we don't pass neccesities and we live on good conditions.
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